Bunkers Cove, Gouldsboro, Maine
Bunkers Cove, located in South Gouldsboro, Maine facing Frenchman Bay, is one of a few harbors on the western side of Gouldsboro Peninsula that provide gorgeous views of the islands including Mount Desert Island. Much of the shoreline is privately owned and clear views from the road are difficult to find because of the dense tree growth. Once in a while, an open space reveals itself such as this one.
Bunkers Cove, located in South Gouldsboro, Maine facing Frenchman Bay, is one of a few harbors on the western side of Gouldsboro Peninsula that provide gorgeous views of the islands including Mount Desert Island. Much of the shoreline is privately owned and clear views from the road are difficult to find because of the dense tree growth. Once in a while, an open space reveals itself such as this one.
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