Little Hunters Beach, Acadia
Little Hunters Beach is on the southeast side of Mount Desert Island in Acadia National Park at Hunters Head southeast of Otter Cliff and Otter Cove. Access is provided via the Park Loop Road but its view is essentially hidden from the road itself. A stairway on the left takes you down to beach level. This is a nice secluded pebble beach nestled in a little cove. The shore is covered with unique rounded rocks that make interesting sounds when the surf comes in and then pulls the rocks over each other like a huge pile of granite marbles. This is not meant as a swimming area as there can be strong undertows. No lifeguards are on duty and the ocean temperature rarely exceeds 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12.8 Celcius) in the summer. This is a one of the favorite and off-the-beaton tracks of places often favored by painters. Exercise special caution if you attempt walking on wet rocks, especially when they appear greenish or are covered with seaweed. They are extremely slippery.
Easily Missed/Spotty Cellphone Service
With all of the many spectacular sights along the Park Loop Road on Mount Desert Island, it is easy to miss Little Hunters Beach. There is a small turn-off on the right-side (while heading southwest on the one-way section) but the beach itself is hidden from view on the left behind some stone work (part of a small bridge) and lots of trees. This can be a good thing if you hope to discover a quiet and somewhat secluded location. Hopefully, revealing it here will not create a higher traffic flow situation. (Note that the National Park Service does allow parking on the right side of the one-way sections of the Park Loop Road except where noted.) Be on the lookout after passing Otter Cliff and Otter Cove. Keep in mind that cell phones often do not have service in Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island because of a lack of cell towers and there being so many mountains and valleys. Be sure to have a printed map with you. Remember to always, leave no trace.
Little Hunters Beach GPS:44.298227, -68.211828
An Artist's Hideaway
This is a favorite spot for many visual artists when painting outside, known as plein-air. If you visit here, do not be surprised to see someone with an easel at the far end. Respect their space. The quietness is an essential part of the experience. The National Park Service does not want anyone taking any of the rocks found on the shore. It is a temptation to take a souvenir but best to leave it. While here, stop what you are doing and take a moment of silence. Close your eyes, listen to the sounds, and breathe the air in deeply. Take this memory back with you.