Acadia National Park Fishing Details

Fishing Details

This page provides detailed information about cold-water and warm water fishing in lake, ponds and other bodies of water within Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island located on the southern coast of Maine in Hancock County in the USA. There is also additional information about ice fishing and ocean fishing further down the page.

Fishing Regulations

Cold-Water Fishing:

Motors over 10 horsepower are prohibited on:

Internal Combustion engines are prohibited on:

No motors are permitted on:

There is no horsepower limit on:

Warm-Water Fishing:

Motors over 10 horsepower are prohibited on:

Internal Combustion engines are prohibited on:

There is no horsepower limit on:

Ice Fishing:

The ice fishing season generally lasts from January 1 to March 31. Check the State of Maine Ice Fishing Regulations handbook for exact dates and possession and size limits. Many of the larger ponds and lakes in the park are popular locations for ice fishing. Please be cautious on frozen bodies of water and ensure that ice thickness is sufficient to support your weight.

Ocean Fishing:

A license is not required to fish in the ocean. There are, however, safety concerns when ocean fishing. Be cautious of surf conditions. Sudden waves can wash the shore and sweep you out to sea. Watch your footing; seaweed and algae-covered rocks are extremely slippery. Two ocean fishing areas in the park include:

Sargent Drive, Somes Sound
Mackerel and bluefish (when running, periodically in mid-July, August, September) striped bass (July, August, September).

Frazer Point, Schoodic Peninsula
Mackerel (when running, periodically in mid-July, August, September).

Helpful Resource

Greg A. Hartford, photographer, author, publisherThis is a real helpful page if you want a quick loo at what lake or ponds have what kind of fish, and if there are requirements as far as motorized boats and so forth. Having it organized in groupings for cold water, warm water, ice fishing and ocean based fishing does the trick. Us this in combination with the larger furnished may of Mount Desert Island. The link is at the top of each page of